Online Quote


Name (required)

Initial (required)

Contact address (required)

Postcode (required)

Email (required)

Home Telephone (required)

Work Telephone (required)

Mobile Telephone

How did you hear about us?


When will the move take place? (required)

Removal from:

Address: (required)

Postcode (required)

Property type:

If flat - which floor?

If flat - lift available?


Removal to:

Address: (required)

Postcode (required)

Property type:

If flat - which floor?

If flat - lift available?


Lounge, dining room etc:
Article: No of items:
Settee, large Settee, large Settee, small
Armchair, large Armchair, medium Armchair, small
Tub armchair Occasional chair Wicker lounge chair
China cabinet, large China cabinet, medium China cabinet, small
Welsh dresser Sideboard, large Sideboard medium
Sideboard, small Dining table large Dining table medium
Dining table small Gate-Leg table, medium Refectory table
Occasional table, small Dining chair Carver
Roll-Top desk, large Roll-Top desk, small Bureau, large
Bureau, small Sectional bookcase, per sec Bookcase, large
Bookcase, small Folding card table Grandfather clock
Standard lamp Carpet fitted Piano, Grand normal
Piano, upright Piano, miniature Piano Player
Piano stool Piano stool, duet Radiogram, normal
TV table model TV console Music cabinet
Hi-Fi Stereo units Corner cupboards Video / DVD
Wall units Carpets Rugs
Pictures Mirrors
Article: No of items:
Wardrobe, 6'6' Wardrobe, 4'6' Wardrobe, 3'0'
Wardrobe, 2'6' Wardrobe Compactum Dressing Table, 4'6'
Dressing Chest, 4'0' Chest of Drawers, Large Chest of Drawers, Medium
Chest of Drawers, Small Chest of Drawers, Bow Front Tall Boy, Normal
Bedroom Chair Lloyd Loom Chair Tib Arm Chair
Bed and Bedding 4'6' Divan Bed 4'0' Bed Chair and Cushions
Box Spring Mattress Child's Folding Cot Pedestal Cupboard
Bedside Table Box Ottoman Solid Linen Basket
Bunk Beds Carpet 12'9' Cont.Headboard
Carpets Rugs Pictures
Kitchen, hall etc.:
Article: No of items:
Cooker, Large Refrigerator, Large Refrigerator, Medium
Refrigerator, Small Washing Machine Tumble Dryer
Vacuum Cleaner Electric Floor Polisher Easiwork Cabinet, Small
Kitchen Table, Large Kitchen Table, Medium Kitchen Table, Small
Kitchen Chair Baby's High Chair Tea Trolley
Store Cupboard, Medium Deep Freezer Dish Washer
Microwave Oven
Outside effects:
Article: No of items:
Garden Roller, Large Garden Roller, Small Lawn Mower, Normal
Motor Lawn Mower, Normal Hose and Reel Garden Tools, Per Tool
Dustbin, Normal Pair 7 Tread Steps Garden Seat, Normal
Bicycle Pram Wheelbarrow
Water Butt
Garden furniture:
Article: No of items:
Table Chairs Sun Lounger
Please indicate the quantity of packing cases required:
China and Glass
(1 carton holds approximately 1 single kitchen cupboard)

(1 carton holds approximately 3ft of shelf space)

(1 carton holds approximately 1 single medium cupboard )

Food Stores / Drink
(1 carton holds approximately 1 single kitchen cupboard)

(1 carton holds approximately 1 airing cupboard shelf)

(1 wardrobe carton holds approximately 2ft of hanging space)

If you have packed your own boxes please state number:
Please confirm packing requirments:

Please advise us of any items that require specialist care